"N" - Nailrox Nail Lacquer, Namenda, Namzaric, Naprosyn, Natdac, Natural Intensive Lip Balm, Neem, Neem Vegie, Negasunt, Neomercazole

Nailrox Nail Lacquer
Nailrox® Nail Lacquer
ciclopirox 8% 5ml

Ciclopirox er en svampedræbende medicin, der forhindrer svamp i at vokse. Ciclopirox neglelak bruges til at behandle svampeinfektioner i tånegle og negle.

memantine 5mg /10mg

Generic Namenda reduces the actions of chemicals in the brain that may contribute to the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Generic Namenda is used to treat moderate to severe dementia of the Alzheimer's type.

donezepil and memantine 5mg + 5mg

Namzaric indeholder en kombination af donepezil og memantin. Donepezil forbedrer virkningen af nerveceller i hjernen. Det virker ved at forebygge manglen af en kemiske komponent der kaldes acetylcholin. Mennesker med demens har mangel på denne komponent, som er vigtig for hukommelsen, tænkning og overvejelse. Memantin reducerer aktiviteten af kemikaler I hjernen, der kan bidrage til symptomer af Alzheimers sygdom. Namzaric anvendes for at behandle mennesker med moderato g sent demens af Alzheimers type.

naproxen 250mg /500mg

Generic Naprosyn is used for treating rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and juvenile arthritis. It is used to treat tendonitis, bursitis, gout, menstrual cramps, or mild to moderate pain.

daclatasvir 60mg

Natdac® is an inhibitor of the viral (hepatitis C virus) protein NS5A, which is used in the replication of hepatitis C virus within the liver cells (hepatocytes) and, thus, prevents the virus from entering infected hepatocytes into the blood. Thanks to this action, it is possible to prevent the spread of the virus in the body. Natdac® (daсlatasvir) is a highly specific direct action agent against hepatitis C virus (HCV) and has no pronounced activity against other RNA and DNA containing viruses, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Natdac®, as an inhibitor of the nonstructural protein 5A (NS5A), a multifunctional protein required for HCV replication, suppresses two stages of the life cycle of the virus-viral RNA replication and virion assembly.

Natural Intensive Lip Balm
Natural Intensive Lip Balm®
almond, olive, honey, apple, winter cherry 4.5g

Himalaya's Natural Intensive Lip Balm® heals sore and cracked lips, especially during the winter months. Herbal ingredients like Apple Seed Oil, Olive Oil, Almond Oil and Winter Cherry combine to protect your lips against drying. Honey moisturizes, and gives lips extra protection to keep them hydrated.

neem 60pills

NEEM (Margosa Tree/Azadirachta indica) has been described in Ayurveda’s prime text, the Charaka Samhita, as sarva roga nivarini (that which keeps all diseases at bay) or arishtha (reliever of disease). Neem has been used in the Ayurvedic tradition for thousands of years for maintaining health and overall well-being. The roots, bark, gum, leaves, fruit, seed kernels and seed oil are all used in therapeutic preparations for both internal and topical use.

Neem Vegie
Neem Vegie®
neem extract 1mg

Azadirachta Indica , better known as Neem as a plant has been consumed as a daily in many parts of Asia. Some of the most widely recognized benefits of Neem are its strong antibacterial and antimicrobial effects. This comes into play both internally and externally, which is why neem is considered to be such a general tonic for the immune system and as a simple way to keep your overall health better protected. It is commonly associated with treating skin conditions, but its effects are far more extensive than that! Neem has undergone many clinical studies in India and provides a long list of benefits in the Ayurvedic tradition. It has been associated with improving eye health, skin health, ear health, and boosting overall immunity (clearing up acne, psoriasis, eczema, high blood glucose, arthritis, chronic fatigue, and more). Neem is also commonly used for skin issues (dryness, itchiness, wrinkles, warts, skin ulcers, etc.)

coumaphos + propoxur + sulfanilamide 3% + 2% + 5% 20g

Negasunt® er et antibakterielt støvpulver produceret af Bayer. Det bruges til antibakteriel sårforbinding. Sår kan være maskesår, fodlæsioner af FMD, operationssår, utilsigtede sår eller navleinfektioner. Negasunt® pulver udgør Coumaphos 3%, Propoxur 2% og Sulfanilamide 5%.

carbimazole 5mg /10mg /20mg

NeoMercazole-tabletter indeholder carbimazole, et anti-thyreoidemedicin, der anvendes til behandling af hyperthyroidisme eller overaktiv skjoldbruskkirtel, også kendt som Grave's Disease eller struma, for at reducere høje niveauer af thyreoideahormon.

cyclosporine 25mg /50mg /100mg

Generic Neoral is used for preventing the rejection of organ transplants (kidney, liver, and heart). This medicine is also used to treat psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis in certain patients.

gabapentin 100mg /300mg /400mg /600mg /800mg

Neurontin er et generisk lægemiddel til behandling af anfald, der er associeret med epilepsi. Det kan også anvendes til behandling af nervesmerter, der er associeret med herpes zoster (helvedesild) infektion (postherpetisk neuralgi).

sorafenib 200mg

Nexavar er kræftmedicin, der interfererer med væksten og spredningen af kræftceller i kroppen. Nexavar bruges til at behandle leverkræft, kræft i skjoldbruskkirtlen eller en form for nyrekræft kaldet avanceret renalcellecarcinom.

esomeprazole 20mg /40mg

Generic Nexium reducerer mængden af ??syre i maven. Det anvendes for at behandle symptomer på gastroøsofageal reflukssygdom (GERD) og andre tilstande, der involverer stor mavesyre, såsom Zollinger-Ellison syndrom. Det er også anvendes til at fremme helingen af ??erosiv øsofagitis (skader på dit spiserør forårsaget af mavesyre). Det kan også tages hensyn til forhindre mavesår forårsaget af infektion med Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), eller ved anvendelse af ikke-steroide anti-inflammatoriske lægemidler (NSAIDs).

bempedoic acid 180mg

Bempedoic bruges sammen med diæt og andre lægemidler til at sænke blodniveauerne af "dårligt" kolesterol (lipoprotein med lav densitet). Bempedoic er til brug hos voksne med en arvelig form for højt kolesteroltal. Bempedoic bruges også til at sænke LDL-kolesterol hos voksne med koronararteriesygdom (tilstoppede arterier).

nimodipine 30mg

Generic Nimotop is used for reducing problems due to lack of oxygen caused by bleeding from a blood vessel in the brain.

nitroglycerin 2.6mg /6.4mg

Nitrostat is in a group of drugs called nitrates. Nitrostat is used to treat or prevent attacks of chest pain (angina).

ketoconazole 200mg

Generic Nizoral bliver brugt til at behandle svampeinfektioner.

Nizoral Cream
ketoconazole 2% 15g

Generic Nizoral is used for treating fungal infections.

Nizoral Shampoo
Nizoral Shampoo
ketoconazole 2.00% 100ml

Nizoral shampoo with a basic component named Ketoconazole is an antifungal medication that fights against infections caused by fungus. Ketoconazole is not designed for the fingernails or toenails treatment. This medicine shouldn't be also used during the treatment of prostate cancer or Cushing syndrome.

desmopressin 60mcg

Nocdurna (Desmopressin) bruges til at behandle patienter, der vågner 2 eller flere gange om natten for at tisse, forårsaget af natlig polyuri, en tilstand hvor din krop producerer for meget urin om natten. Desmopressin er en menneskeskabt form af et hormon, der forekommer naturligt i hypofysen og regulerer, hvordan kroppen bruger vand.

tamoxifen 10mg /20mg

Generisk Nolvadex bruges til behandling af brystkræft, der har spredt sig til andre steder i kroppen. Det er også bruges sammen med andre lægemidler til behandling af andre typer af brystkræft. Det anvendes hos kvinder, der har høj risiko for brystkræft og hos kvinder med DCIS (efter operationen og stråling) for at mindske risikoen for at udvikle brystkræft.

piracetam 400mg /800mg

Generisk Nootropil er en nootropt middel altså psykofarmaka, som forbedrer direkte effektiviteten af de højere funktioner i hjernen er involveret i kognitive processer såsom dem relateret til indlæring, hukommelse, tænkning og bevidsthed, både i normale og mangelfulde forhold, uden at være beroligende for psykisk stimulans.

norethindrone acetate 5mg

Generic Norlutate is used to treat women with abnormal bleeding from the uterus. It is also used to treat women who have stopped having menstrual periods for several months (amenorrhea) but who are not pregnant or going through menopause.

norfloxacin 400mg

Generic Norfloxacin is an antibiotic in a group of drugs called fluoroquinolones. It is used to treat bacterial infections of genito-urinary tract.

amlodipine 2.5mg /5mg /10mg

Amlodipine er en calciumkanalblokker. Valsartan er en angiotensin II-receptorantagonist. Amlodipine og Valsartan er en kombinationsmedicin, der anvendes til behandling af forhøjet blodtryk (hypertension). Sænkning af blodtryk kan nedsætte risikoen for slagtilfælde eller hjerteanfald. Amlodipine og valsartan gives normalt, efter at andre blodtryksmediciner er blevet testet uden succes.

ritonavir 100mg

Generic Norvir is an antiviral medication in a group of HIV medicines called protease inhibitors. It prevents human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) cells from multiplying in your body.

Nourishing Body Lotion
Nourishing Body Lotion®
winter cherry, aloe vera 100ml

Himalaya’s Nourishing Body Lotion combines 100% herbal actives to restore your body’s water content, as varying weather conditions make skin lose its moisture. The non-greasy body lotion leaves skin feeling soft, supple and toned. Blended with all-natural ingredients such as Aloe Vera and Winter Cherry, which are known for their intense hydrating properties, our body lotion deeply penetrates into the skin to moisturize it fully.

Nourishing Skin Cream
Nourishing Skin Cream®
kino tree, aloe, winter cherry, pennywort 50g

Nourishing Skin Cream® - an all-day moisturizer that nourishes and protects skin. Nourishing Skin Cream contains Barbados Aloe, which has skin softening and moisturizing properties, and Winter Cherry, an effective antioxidant, which scavenges the free radicals that are responsible for skin aging

ethinylestradiol + desogestrel 30mcg + 150mcg

Novelon er en oral p-pille til forebyggelse af graviditet for kvinder, som har valgt at anvende produktet som præventionsmiddel. Denne medicin er et hormonalt kombineret middel, da den består af to aktive stoffer: 30mcg ethinylestradiol og 150mcg desogestrel. Dette par skaber en ny pille til beskyttelse mod uønsket graviditet. Desuden takket være sit brede anvendelsesområde er den uundværlig blandt en række lægemidler, der anvendes til behandling af sådanne lidelser som dysfunktionel livmoderblødning, Polycystisk ovariesyndrom, Præmenstruelt syndrom, akne, hirsutisme og mange andre.

Nuforce Shampoo
Nuforce Shampoo®
selenium sulphide 2.5% 200ml

Pet Mankind Nuforce Shampoo is a specially formulated anti-dandruff shampoo that prevents the formation of dandruff on the skin and keeps skin infections at bay. Nuforce Shampoo reduces the formation of dandruff and prevents the flaking and dryness of the skin. The pH balance of the shampoo protects the body oils and keeps the fur soft and shiny.

Nutricoat Advance
Nutri-Coat Advance®
omega 3, omega 6 200g /400g

Pet Care Nutri-Coat Advance is a scientifically designed feed supplement that is a blend of the most active form of essential fatty acids including Omega 3, Omega 6, EPA & DHA. It can also be used as an efficient medicine against Pyoderma, Mange, Yeast infection, Flea Bite Dermatitis, Atopy, and most other types of fungal skin infections.

fatty acids, vitamins, zinc, selenium, lecitin 200g

Nutri-Coat Palatable Tonic Is a nutritional coat & skin conditioner that helps to correct all types of skin and coat conditions like a dull coat, flaky skin, excess shedding, and scratching caused by deficient diets. Enriched with Omega-3 & Omega-6 Fatty Acids.

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