"I" - I-vegiehills, Ilaxten, Ilosone, Imbruvica, Imdur, Imitrex, Immunity, Immunol, Immunoplus, Imodium

Herbal Iron Vegetable formulation contains Beetroot, Spinach & Barley Grass which is rich source of Iron, Calcium & Beta-carotenes considered as an excellent tonic for eyes. Nitrates may help improve blood circulation and control blood pressure. As an antioxidant it has a property which may help to enhance immunity. These tablets may help to improve the health of arteries and control blood pressure.

Ilaxten indeholder det aktive stof bilastine, som er et antihistamin. Ilaxten bruges til at lindre symptomerne på høfeber (nysen, kløende, løbende, tilstoppet næse og røde og rindende øjne) og andre former for allergisk rhinitis. Det kan også bruges til at behandle kløende hududslæt (nældefeber eller nældefeber).

Generic Ilosone is used to treat many kinds of infections and to prevent ''strep'' infections in patients with a history of rheumatic heart disease who may be allergic to penicillin.

Ibrutinib er en type kræftmedicin kaldet en kinasehæmmer. Ibrutinib hjælper med at bremse, hvor hurtigt visse blodkræftformer skrider frem ved at arbejde mod kræft B-celler, en type hvide blodlegemer. Det gør det ved at blokere Bruton's tyrosinkinase (BTK) signalering. BTK er et protein, der findes på B-celler, der instruerer B-celler til at forblive i LIVE og flere.

Generic Imdur is used for preventing angina (chest pain) caused by heart disease.

Generisk Imitrex anvendes til at behandle migræne hovedpiner med eller uden aura (d.v.s. blinkende lys, bølgelinier, mørke pletter). En aura er en mærkelig følelse eller visuelle forstyrrelse som advarer man om et anfald. Midlet anvendes ikke til at forhindre migræner.

Immunity® strengthens immune response to illness and infection. Immunity® offers relief from cold, flu and other respiratory tract infections. Immunity® is recommended to be taken regularly to build and maintain a strong, healthy immune system and prevent illnesses.

Immunol is a blend of herbs that is clinically proven to improve the immunity of cats and dogs. The immune system is the body’s vital shield against infections, diseases and biological attacks.

Immuno Plus Dog Liquid Spray helps in boosting immunity as well as reducing the feeling of the stress of anxiety in animals. Boosting the immunity in young growing animals. Improving the immunity of geriatric animals. Reducing anxiety in nervous or stressed animals. Helping young animals cope with separation from their mother.

Generic Imodium is used for treating symptoms of certain types of diarrhea. It is also used to decrease the amount of discharge from an ileostomy.

Immune system supplements Imunohills has the immuno-modulatory properties of Amla, Guduchi, Pippali, Bhuiamlaki which help in improving body’s resistance power, thereby building healthy Immune system. Guduchi also known as potent Rasayana, which supports in improving body’s resistance power, helps increase the effectiveness of white blood cells and builds up the body’s immune system. The rejuvenating & detoxifying properties of Amla, Triphala, Gokshur provides repairs & may strengthen the body’s tissue thereby acts as an anti-ageing agent & improve vitality. It's a powerful antioxidant protection.

Generic Imuran is used for preventing kidney transplant rejection along with other medicine. It may also be used to treat signs and symptoms of active rheumatoid arthritis.

Generic Inderal bliver brugt til at behandle højt blodtryk eller atrieflimren. Det bliver brugt til: patienter med hjertekramper for at nedsætte hjertefrekvensen og øge motionstolerancen, for at nedsætte risikoen for hjertestop og død i tilfælde af at patienter har overlevet et hjerteangreb, for at håndtere specielle typer af tremor (en hjertetilstand kaldet hypertrofisk subatrisk stenose), eller særlige symptomer af fæokromocytom (en adranal tumor). Det bliver også brugt til at forhindre migræne.

Generic Inderal LA is used for treating high blood pressure or atrial fibrillation. It is used in patients with angina to decrease angina frequency and increase exercise tolerance; to decrease the risk of heart death in certain patients who have survived a heart attack; to manage certain types of tremors, a heart condition called hypertrophic subaortic stenosis, or certain symptoms of pheochromocytoma (an adrenal tumor). It is also used to prevent migraine headaches.

Generic Indocin is used for treating moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, gout or certain types of bursitis and tendonitis.

Generic Indocin Sustained-Release is used for treating moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, gout or certain types of bursitis and tendonitis.

Inflamin Vet Cream is a veterinary cream recommended for mastitis. It gives the protection to the vascular integrity of capillaries, controls swelling & edema. Is used for the treatment of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, equines, canidae and felines.

Inhancer dog supplement is a joint protection supplement for high activity & older dogs. It contains the highest quality glucosamine HCL & chondroitin. It has active ingredients calcium, phosphorus, glucosamine, and chondroitin from sharks. Suggested for animals ill with arthritis hip and elbow dysplasia, geriatric animals, and large breed puppies to reduce wear & tear of the cartilage.

Eplerenone blokerer hormonet aldosteron i kroppen. Aldosterone er vigtig for regulering af blodtrykket. Eplerenone anvendes til behandling af kongestiv hjerteinsufficiens efter et hjerteanfald. Eplerenone bruges også til at behandle højt blodtryk (hypertension).

Intagra® anvendes til behandling af mandlig impotens også kendt som erektil dysfunktion. Desuden er det blevet godkendt af FDA til behandling af pulmonal hypertension.

Intensive face moisturizing lotion® - a specially developed formulation for extra dry skin. Even if you have normal skin, use it in dry winter months when a normal moisturizing lotion just will not do. It is enriched with herbs like Aloe vera, Indian Madder and Country Mallow, that provide extra nutrients and enzymes to nourish and moisturize your skin when you need it the most. Indications: Extra dry skin & winters Skin following exposure to environmental extremes, pollutants and temperature variations Ingredients Include: Sida cordifolia (Country Mallow, Bala) Aloe barbadensis (Barbados Aloe, Kumari) Rubia cordifolia (Indian Madder, Manjishtha)

Invokana (canagliflozin) er en oral diabetesmedicin, der hjælper med at kontrollere blodsukkerniveauet. Canagliflozin virker ved at hjælpe nyrerne med at slippe af med glukose fra blodbanen. Invokana bruges sammen med diæt og motion for at forbedre blodsukkerkontrollen hos voksne med type 2-diabetes mellitus. Invokana bruges også til at sænke risikoen for død som følge af hjerteanfald, slagtilfælde eller hjertesvigt hos voksne med type 2-diabetes, som også har hjertesygdomme. Invokana bruges også til at reducere risikoen for nyresygdom i slutstadiet og hospitalsindlæggelse eller død som følge af hjerteproblemer hos voksne, som også har nyreproblemer forårsaget af type 2-diabetes.

Venky's Iopaint antimicrobial spray is a solution of povidone and iodine. It is used for the preparation of the skin for aseptic surgery as an antiseptic for wounds, for dressing cuts, burns, lacerations and abrasions, and post-operative dressings.

Irbesartan is used for treating high blood pressure. It may be used alone or with other blood pressure medicines.

Isentress (raltegravir) tilhører en gruppe af antiretrovirale lægemidler, der forhindrer human immundefektvirus (HIV) i at formere sig i din krop. Isentress er medicin, der bruges til at behandle HIV, den virus, der kan forårsage erhvervet immundefektsyndrom (AIDS). Raltegravir er ikke en kur mod HIV eller AIDS.

Isofair is a special soft gel capsule of a red color. They are designed to treat acne, as well as other problems of this kind on the skin. The active substance of this drug is a synthetic analogue of vitamin A, isotretinoin. Tablets act primarily on the human genes, which are responsible for the functioning of the sebaceous glands. As a result of the use of this drug, there is a significant decrease in the sebum secretion. This leads to complete neutralization of acne in problem areas. In addition, Isofair also has regenerative properties, which also significantly speeds up the treatment process. As soon as acne and other pathologies on the skin begin to disappear, as a result of the action of the drug components in the integumentary system, metabolism is activated. All this leads to the most rapid healing of affected areas of the skin without the slightest sign of problems. This Generic Accutane is produced by an Indian pharmaceutical company, named Johnlee Pharmaceuticals.

Generic Isordil is used for preventing symptoms of angina (chest pain) caused by heart disease. This medicine is used alone or with other medicines. This medicine is NOT intended for the immediate relief of acute attacks of angina.

Generic Isordil Sublingual is used for preventing symptoms of angina (chest pain) caused by heart disease. This medicine is used alone or with other medicines. This medicine is NOT intended for the immediate relief of acute attacks of angina.

Many teenagers and some adults report getting some pimples, many of which they can treat with over-the-counter acne products. Fighting severe acne – especially cystic acne, which can lead to scarring – sometimes requires a potent prescription drug known as isotretinoin, a derivative of vitamin A. Pharmacies in the U.S. sell isotretinoin under the brand name Accutane, produced by drug manufacturer Hoffman-LaRoche. Cipla Ltd., a company based in India, also manufactures a medication in India and Greece that contains isotretinoin. Marketed under the brand name Isotroin, it is available in gel capsules. Generic Accutane Capsules (Isotroin), is an extremely powerful and potent acne-controlling medicine, is used to treat severe recalcitrant nodular acne which are resistant to therapy, particularly cystic acne and acne conglobata, especially when the lesions involve the trunk. Nodules are inflammatory lesions which have a diameter of 5 mm or greater.
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