
providone-iodine 10% 15g

Betadine creme bruges til behandling af mindre sår og infektioner samt at dræbe bakterier. Betadine creme er en antiseptisk kombination. Det virker ved at dræbe følsomme bakterier.

fluconazole 50mg /100mg /150mg /200mg /400mg

Generic Diflucan er et svampemiddel antibiotikum. Det anvendes til behandling af infektioner forårsaget af svampe, som kan trænger ind helst del af kroppen, herunder i munden, svælget, spiserøret, lunger, blære, kønsdelene og blodet.

griseofulvin 250mg

Generic Grifulvin is used for treating fungal infections of the scalp, body, foot (athlete's foot), nails, thigh (jock itch), or hair follicles (barber's itch).

clotrimazole 15g

Generic Gyne-Lotrimin is used to treat yeast (fungus) infections of the vagina.

manjishtha, sariva, punarnava, triphala... 1mg

Ayurvedic blood cleanser formula hemohills has blood purifying, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial & anti-inflammatory properties of Manjishtha, Sariva, Neem, Kumari, which are helpful in blood purification.Laxative properties of Triphala, Balharde are effective in colon cleansing & detoxifying blood. The rejuvenating properties of Punarnava may help in skin disorders. All these properties makes this formula as an excellent blood purifier

terbinafine 250mg

Generic Lamisil is an antifungal antibiotic. It is used to treat infections caused by fungus that affect the fingernails or toenails.

Lamisil Cream
terbinafine 1% 10g

Generic Lamisil Cream is used for treating fungal infections of the fingernails and toenails.

fenticonazole 600mg

Lomexin(Fenticonazole) is a potent broad-spectrum antimycotic agent. The mechanism of action of fenticonazole is thought to be the blocking of oxidant enzymes with accumulation of peroxides and necrosis of the fungal cell; direct action on the membrane.

betamethasone + clotrimazole 0.025% + 1% 15g

Betamethasone and Clotrimazole cream contains a combination of betamethasone and clotrimazol. Betamethasone is steroid that reduces itching, swelling, and redness of the skin. Clotrimazole is an antifungal medication that fights infections caused by fungus.

dhataki, shatavari, punarnava 1mg

Lukol® has tonic property, and antimicrobial and astringent actions that control white discharge, itching and burning sensations. Herbal Ayurvedic formulation.

luliconazole 1% 20g

Luliconazole topical is an antifungal medication that fights infections caused by fungus. Luliconazole topical (for the skin) is used to treat athlete's foot (tinea pedis) or jock itch (tinea cruris) in adults and children who are at least 12 years old. Luliconazole topical is also used to treat ringworm (tinea corporis) in adults and children at least 2 years old.

butenafine 1% 15g

Generic Mentax is used for treating certain fungal infections of the skin.

miconazole 2% 15g

Miconazole salve bruges til behandling af svampeinfektioner i huden såsom fodsvamp, tinea inguinalis, ringorm, tinea versicolor (en svamp, der misfarver huden) og gærinfektioner i huden. Undecylensyre er en fedtsyre, der virker ved at forhindre svampens vækst. Zink i dette middel virker ved at reducere irritation og hævelse forårsaget af ​​disse typer svampeinfektioner. Midlet må ikke bruges til behandling af svampeinfektioner i hovedbunden eller negle.

miconazole 2% 15g

Micogel® tilhører en gruppe af ​​antimykotiske lægemidler, der anvendes i dermatologi. Lægemidlets vigtigste aktive stof er miconazol nitrat. Det er et svampedræbende middel, imidazolderivat. Det er fungicid, som er effektiv mod forskellige gær, gærlignende og andre patogene svampe, der kan påvirke biosyntesen af ​​aminosyrer, som er vigtige for opbygningen af ​​steroid-svampemembraner. Det resulterer i, at svampens barrierebeskyttelse brydes, og den dør. Det har også en antibakteriel virkning på gramnegative og grampositive bakterier. Micogel® har en hyperosmolær virkning, hvilket resulterer i, at dets anvendelse er effektiv mod udsondring. Micogel® bruges til behandling af locale svampeinfektioner i hud, fødder og negle. Effektiv mod: superinfektion forårsaget af grampositive mikroorganismer og onychomycosis.

Nailrox Nail Lacquer
Nailrox® Nail Lacquer
ciclopirox 8% 5ml

Ciclopirox er en svampedræbende medicin, der forhindrer svamp i at vokse. Ciclopirox neglelak bruges til at behandle svampeinfektioner i tånegle og negle.

ketoconazole 200mg

Generic Nizoral bliver brugt til at behandle svampeinfektioner.

Nizoral Cream
ketoconazole 2% 15g

Generic Nizoral is used for treating fungal infections.

Nizoral Shampoo
Nizoral Shampoo
ketoconazole 2.00% 100ml

Nizoral shampoo with a basic component named Ketoconazole is an antifungal medication that fights against infections caused by fungus. Ketoconazole is not designed for the fingernails or toenails treatment. This medicine shouldn't be also used during the treatment of prostate cancer or Cushing syndrome.

itraconazole 100mg

Generic Sporanox is an antifungal antibiotic. It is used to treat infections caused by fungus, which can invade any part of the body including the lungs, mouth or throat, toenails or fingernails.

Sporanox Capsule
Sporanox Capsule
itraconazole 100mg /200mg

Sporanox (itraconazole) is an antifungal medication that fights infections caused by fungus. Sporanox is used to treat infections in adults caused by the fungus, which can invade any part of the body including the lungs, mouth or throat, toenails, or fingernails.

triphala, shataptari, cardamon 30g

V-gel® - a safe herbal therapy for vaginal infections. V-Gel safely treats vaginal infections, relieves itching, controls smelly discharge, and has a cooling and soothing effect on the vagina.

voriconazole 200mg

Voriconazole is an antifungal medicine. Voriconazole is used to treat serious fungal or yeast infections, such as aspergillosis (fungal infection in the lungs), candidemia (fungal infection in the blood), esophageal candidiasis (candida esophagitis), or other fungal infections (infections in the skin, stomach, kidney, bladder, or wounds). It may also be used to treat patients with serious fungal or yeast infections who cannot tolerate other types of treatment or do not respond to other types of treatment.

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