Øjne Pleje

Generic Acular relieves the itchy eyes brought on by seasonal allergies. It is also prescribed to reduce inflammation after cataracts have been removed from the eyes.

Alphagan reducerer mængden af væske i øjet, hvilket mindsker trykket inde i øjet. Alphagan oftalmologisk (til øjne) bruges til at behandle åben vinklet glaukom eller okulær hypertension (forhøjet tryk inde i øjet).

Ansaid - øjendråber, der bruges til behandling af miosis under operationer og forebyggelse af udviklingen af en reaktiv postoperativ øjebetændelse.

Azopt reducerer mængden af væske i øjet, hvilket mindsker trykket inde i øjet. Azopt oftalmologisk (til øjne) anvendes til behandling af åben vinklet glaukom og andre årsager til højt tryk inde i øjet.

Besivance oftalmologisk bruges til behandling af bakterielle øjeninfektioner. Besifloxacin tilhører en klasse lægemidler, kaldet quinolonantibiotika. De fungerer ved at stoppe den bakterielle vækst. Dette lægemiddel behandler kun bakterielle øjeninfektioner. Det virker ikke mod andre typer øjeninfektioner (såsom infektioner forårsaget af vira, svampe, mycobakterier).

Betaxolol er en betablokker, der reducerer trykket inde i øjet. Betaxolol oftalmisk (til øjnene) bruges til behandling af åbenvinklet glaukom og andre årsager til højt tryk inde i øjet.

Generic Bimatoprost reduces pressure in the eye by increasing the amount of fluid that drains from the eye. Bimatoprost ophthalmic (for the eyes) is used to treat certain types of glaucoma and other causes of high pressure inside the eyes.

Generic Ciloxan is used for treating eye infections caused by certain bacteria.

Generic Cosopt is used to treat certain types of glaucoma and other causes of high pressure inside the eye. Dorzolamide reduces the amount of fluid in the eye, which decreases pressure inside the eye. Timolol is a beta-blocker that also reduces pressure inside the eye.

Generic Cyclogyl is used for dilating the eye before an exam or surgery and preventing the eye from focusing.

Flarex is a glucocorticosteroid for topical application in the form of eye drops. Therapeutic efficacy is manifested in its anti-inflammatory, anti allergic and anti-exudative action, due to its vasoconstrictor effect. The remedy is designed for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the conjunctiva, the cornea, the anterior part of the eye.

Haridra (Turmeric/Curcuma longa) is a vital herb in Ayurvedic medicine, whose spice form can be recognized by its dazzling yellow color. The rhizome of the herb, used either fresh or dried, has a host of medicinal benefits. It acts as a carminative and also enhances the complexion and skin tone. Apart from that, Haridra can be used to combat liver damage, respiratory disorders and ulcers.

Herbal Iron Vegetable formulation contains Beetroot, Spinach & Barley Grass which is rich source of Iron, Calcium & Beta-carotenes considered as an excellent tonic for eyes. Nitrates may help improve blood circulation and control blood pressure. As an antioxidant it has a property which may help to enhance immunity. These tablets may help to improve the health of arteries and control blood pressure.

Generic Lotemax is used for treating swelling, itching, redness, or irritation of the eye caused by bacterial or viral infections, surgery, or certain allergies.

Folk bruger melatonin til at regulere kroppens indre ur. Den bruges til jetlag, til at regulere døgnrytme hos mennesker, hvis daglige arbejdsplan skifter (døgnrytmeforstyrrelser) og for at hjælpe blinde personer med at regulere døgnrytme. Melatonin bruges også til manglende evne til at falde i søvn (søvnløshed); socialt jetlag (DSPS); REM-behavior disorder (RBD); søvnløshed forbundet med forstyrrelse af opmærksomhed og aktivitets lidelse (ADHD); søvnløshed på grund af visse lægemidler mod højt blodtryk kaldet beta-blokkere; søvnproblemer hos børn med udviklingsforstyrrelser, herunder autisme, cerebral parese og børn med intellektuelle handicaps. Det anvendes også som søvnhjælpemiddel efter ophør med benzodiazepinlægemidler og for at mindske bivirkningerne ved at stoppe rygningen. Nogle mennesker bruger melatonin til Alzheimers sygdom eller hukommelsestab (demens), bipolar lidelse, en lungesygdom kaldet kronisk obstruktiv lungesygdom (COL), søvnløshed forårsaget af beta-blokkerende stoffer, endometriose, ringen for ørerne, depression eller sæsonbestemte lidelser (SAD), mild kognitiv forstyrrelse, ikke-alkoholisk leversygdom, kronisk utmattelsessyndrom(CFS), fibromyalgi, rastløse ben syndrome, en infiltrativ sygdom kaldet sarcoidose, skizofreni, migræne og andre slags hovedpine, aldersrelateret synstab, godartet prostataforstyrrelse(BPH), irritabel tyktarm(IBS), knogleskørhed (osteoporose), en bevægelsesforstyrrelse kaldet tardive dyskinesi (TDS), gastroøsofagal refluksygdom, Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), træningsevne, infertilitet, epilepsi, aldring, til overgangsalderen, metabolisk syndrom, til rehabilitering efter operationen, psykomotorisk agitation forårsaget af anæstesi, stress, ufrivillig bevægelsesforstyrrelse (tardiv dyskinesi), ændringer i hjerteklap, når man bevæger sig fra at lægge sig til at sidde op (orthostatisk dysregulation), delirium, manglende evne til at kontrollere urinering, kæbesmerter, inflammatorisk tarmsygdom (ulcerøs colitis) og til prævention.

Mydriacyl får musklerne i øjet til at blive afslappede. Dette udvider (udvider) pupillen, så den ikke reagerer (smal), når din læge skinner et undersøgelseslys ind i øjet. Mydriacyl (til øjnene) bruges til at udvide pupillen til en øjenundersøgelse eller anden diagnostisk procedure.

Azadirachta Indica , better known as Neem as a plant has been consumed as a daily in many parts of Asia. Some of the most widely recognized benefits of Neem are its strong antibacterial and antimicrobial effects. This comes into play both internally and externally, which is why neem is considered to be such a general tonic for the immune system and as a simple way to keep your overall health better protected. It is commonly associated with treating skin conditions, but its effects are far more extensive than that! Neem has undergone many clinical studies in India and provides a long list of benefits in the Ayurvedic tradition. It has been associated with improving eye health, skin health, ear health, and boosting overall immunity (clearing up acne, psoriasis, eczema, high blood glucose, arthritis, chronic fatigue, and more). Neem is also commonly used for skin issues (dryness, itchiness, wrinkles, warts, skin ulcers, etc.)

Generic Ocuflox is used for treating and preventing eye infections associated with conjunctivitis (pink eye) and corneal ulcers caused by certain bacteria in patients 1 year of age and older.

Ayurvedic Eye Care Ocuhills capsule has the antioxidant & rejuvenating properties of Triphala which helps in protecting eyes from damage by free radicals.It may provide protection to eyes. Triphala detoxifies the digestive tract & improves metabolism which is helpful to eyes. The coolant properties of Cow Ghee help with the eyes cooling.

Optivar Oftalmologisk bruges til behandling af kløende øjne på grund af allergi (allergisk konjunktivitis). Azelastine tilhører en klasse lægemidler kendt som antihistaminer. De fungerer ved at blokere visse naturlige stoffer kaldet histaminer, der er ansvarlige for allergiske symptomer.

Cyclosporine is an immunosuppressant. Cyclosporine ophthalmic (for use in the eye) can increase tear production that has been reduced by inflammation in the eye(s). Cyclosporine ophthalmic is used to treat chronic dry eye that may be caused by inflammation.

Restasis® - ophthalmic emulsion containing 0.05% of cyclosporine, made by Allergan, which is indicated to increase tear production in patients whose tear production is presumed to be suppressed due to ocular inflammation associated with keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Increased tear production was not seen in patients currently taking topical anti-inflammatory drugs or using punctal plugs.

Green veggie formula contains: Spinach which is a rich source of dietary fiber as well as Iron which helps to treat anemia; Beet Root & Carrot containing beta-carotenes which act as the excellent tonic for eyes, skin and nerves.This formula may help to increase hemoglobin level; Cabbage contains antioxidant & anti-inflammatory properties which may help enhance immunity; Methi seeds contain anti-lipidemic properties which may help to control cholesterol levels.

Generic Timoptic is used for treating increased pressure in the eye (ocular hypertension) and open-angle glaucoma.

Tobradex oftalmologisk anvendes til behandling af bakterielle øjeinfektioner. Tobramycin er et antibiotikum. Det bruges til behandling af bakterielle infektioner. Dexamethasone er et steroid. Dexamethasone oftalmologisk bruges til behandling af hævelse på grund af bakterielle øjeinfektioner.

Tobrex (for øjnene) bruges til at behandle bakterielle infektioner i øjnene. Tobrex behandler ikke en viral eller svampeinfektion i øjet. Tobrex er kun beregnet til behandling af bakterieinfektioner.

Travoprost er en prostaglandinanalog. Det virker for at reducere trykket i øjet ved at øge mængden af væske, der dræner fra øjet. Travoprost øjendråber bruges til behandling af åbenvinklet glaukom og andre årsager til højt tryk inde i øjet (okulær hypertension).

Trusopt reducerer mængden af væske i øjet, hvilket mindsker trykket inde i øjet. Trusopt oftalmologisk (til øjne) anvendes til behandling af åben vinklet glaukom og andre årsager til højt tryk inde i øjet.

Xalacom - eye drops, related to combined antiglaucoma drugs. The drops contain 2 active components: timolol maleate, which reduces the accumulation of moisture, watery consistency in the ciliary epithelium and latanoprost, which reduces the intraocular pressure due to the acceleration of the outflow of water accumulated. The drops act already during the first hour after the beginning of their use and maximum efficiency develops after six-eight hours.

Xalacom® - anti-glaucoma combined drug with miotic effect. Each ml of Xalacom® contains Latanoprost 50mcg and Timolol Maleate LP equivalent to timolol 5mg. These substances contribute to the effective reduction of increased intra-ocular pressure, due to two different mechanisms of action, which contributes to a better clinical effect in comparison with monotherapy.

Generic Xalatan reduces pressure in the eye by increasing the amount of fluid that drains from the eye. Generic Xalatan (for the eyes) is used to treat certain types of glaucoma and other causes of high pressure inside the eye.

Zovirax - ophthalmic ointment is used for the treatment of herpes simplex virus infections of the eye. Aciclovir (the principle ingredient in Zovirax ophthalmic ointment) belongs to a group of medicines called anti-virals. It works by stopping the production of the herpes simplex virus. Note, this ointment does not help to get rid of the virus from your body and is only suitable for use in the eye.
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