"B" - Bactrim, Bactroban, Bael, Banana Condoms, Baraclude, Barley Grass, Bayrocin, Beaphar Puppy Trainer, Beaphar Salmon Oil, Beaphar Toothpaste

trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole 400mg + 80mg /800mg + 160mg

Bactrim er et generisk lægemiddel for behandling af øre- og urinvejsinfektioner, bronkitis, rejsediarré og lungebetændelse med pneumocyster (PCP).

mupirocin 2% 5g

Bactroban (mupirocin) er et antibiotikum, der forhindrer bakterier i at vokse på din hud. Bactroban lokal (til brug på huden) anvendes til behandling af hudinfektioner, som børnesår eller en "Staph" infektion i huden.

bael 60pills

Bael helps heal ulcerated intestinal surfaces. It possesses antiviral, anthelmintic and anti-inflammatory properties and exhibits appreciable activity against intestinal pathogenic organisms. The herb also has antispasmodic properties that help relieve abdominal colic.

Banana Condoms
Banana Condoms
condom 1mg

Det intime moment vil blive behagelig hvis man anvender Intense Banana Flavour Kondomer af Manforce. Det er fremstillet ved revolutionerende teknologi, er let at bære, og yder den perfekte pasform. Disse smurte kondomer testes elektronisk for mere nydelse og den maksimale beskyttelse. Aroma og smag af banan skal ophidse din partner. Kondomerne yder optimal elasticitet, altså man får mere fornøjelig og sikker privat tid med sin partner. Det hjælper man med at forbedre seksuel oplevelse og at gøre det mere lidenskabelig og tilfredsstillende. Vi ved alle, at kondomer med eksotiske smager er tilgængelige. Nævner man enhver smag, får man en kondom med denne smag, altså Manforce har indført unges yndlingssmag. Det er jo svært at finde nogen der kan ikke lide banan.

entecavire 0.5mg /1mg

Baraclude (entecavir) er en antiviral medicin. Entecavir forhindrer visse virusceller i at formere sig i din krop. Baraclude er et antiviralt lægemiddel, der bruges til at behandle kronisk hepatitis B-virus (HBV) hos voksne og børn, der er mindst 2 år gamle og vejer mindst 22 pund (10 kg).

Barley Grass
Barley Grass®
barley grass extract 1mg

Organic Barleygrass tablets contain Minerals, Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Chlorophyll, Vitamins such as A, C, B1, B2, folic acid and B12. Due to its detoxifying properties it helps in weight loss regimen ans gives a healthy boost. It may help increase body’s self healing properties. Its alkalizing properties may heal urinary tract & kidney problems.

enrofloxacin 50mg /150mg

Bayrocin® (Enrofloxacin) er en antibakteriel tablet til hunde og katte. Enrofloxacin er et syntetisk kemoterapeutisk middel fra klassen af ​​quinoloncarboxylsyrederivater. Det har antibakteriel aktivitet mod et bredt spektrum af gram-negative og gram-positive bakterier. Det absorberes hurtigt fra fordøjelseskanalen og trænger ind i alle målte kropsvæv og væsker.

Beaphar Puppy Trainer
Beaphar Puppy Trainer®
pheromone based component 20ml

Puppy Trainer serves as a tool for training young dogs to make the need at the place you want. With Puppy Trainer to learn unpleasant habits. Drop Puppy Trainer at the place where the dog may need to, for example, on a Beaphar Puppy Pad. Let the pup snuggle. In this way, he learns about the place where he can do his need.

Beaphar Salmon Oil
Beaphar Salmon Oil®
salmon oil 425ml

Beaphar Salmon Oil for dogs and cats contains Omega-3 and -6 oils, which are a good source of essential fatty acids such as EPA and DHA. These fatty acids are beneficial for your pet’s cardiovascular system. It also contributes to joint flexibility and maintains a healthy skin condition. Salmon Oil is strongly recommended for very active dogs such as rescue, sporting, hunting dogs, etc.

Beaphar Toothpaste
Beaphar Toothpaste®
anti-plaque enzymes, zinc citrate, sodium tripolyphospate 250ml

Your pet is going to love this toothpaste because of its delightful meaty flavor. It also contains enzymes that help to fight against bacteria present in the mouth. You can use this pet paste regularly, and the best thing is that it is very simple to use with both cats and dogs. All you have to do is first apply a small amount of paste on a clean finger and then let your dog lick it so that they can get familiar with the taste.

olmesartan 10mg /20mg /40mg

Generic Benicar is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension).

Benicar Hct
Benicar HCT
olmesartan - hydrochlorothiazide 20mg + 12.5mg

Generic Benicar HCT is a diuretic used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension).

benzoyl peroxide 2.5% 20g

Generic Benzac gel is used for treating acne.

benzoyl peroxide 2.5% 20g /5% 20g

Generic Benzoyl gel is used for treating acne.

bepotastine 1.50% 5ml

Bepreve (bepotastine) is an antihistamine eye drop that helps reduce the amount of the natural chemical histamine. Histamine can produce symptoms of itching or watery eyes. Bepreve is used to treat itchy eyes caused by allergies. This medicine should not be used to treat eye discomfort caused by wearing contact lenses.ntact lenses.

besifloxacin 0.6% 5ml

Besivance oftalmologisk bruges til behandling af bakterielle øjeninfektioner. Besifloxacin tilhører en klasse lægemidler, kaldet quinolonantibiotika. De fungerer ved at stoppe den bakterielle vækst. Dette lægemiddel behandler kun bakterielle øjeninfektioner. Det virker ikke mod andre typer øjeninfektioner (såsom infektioner forårsaget af vira, svampe, mycobakterier).

providone-iodine 10% 15g

Betadine creme bruges til behandling af mindre sår og infektioner samt at dræbe bakterier. Betadine creme er en antiseptisk kombination. Det virker ved at dræbe følsomme bakterier.

betaxolol 0.5% 5ml

Betaxolol er en betablokker, der reducerer trykket inde i øjet. Betaxolol oftalmisk (til øjnene) bruges til behandling af åbenvinklet glaukom og andre årsager til højt tryk inde i øjet.

clarithromycin 250mg /500mg

Generic Biaxin is in a group of drugs called macrolide antibiotics. It is used to treat many different types of bacterial infections affecting the skin and respiratory system. It is also used together with other medicines to treat stomach ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori.

bimatoprost 0.03% 3ml

Generic Bimatoprost reduces pressure in the eye by increasing the amount of fluid that drains from the eye. Bimatoprost ophthalmic (for the eyes) is used to treat certain types of glaucoma and other causes of high pressure inside the eyes.

Bitter Melon Vegie
Bitter Melon Vegie®
bitter melon 1mg

Karela is also known as Bitter melon and botanically known as Momordica charantia. It helps to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. It helps to inhibit the conversion of sugar into fat, helps to manage the neural response to sweet taste stimuli. Premium Extract of bitter melon from wild crafted bitter melon fruit helps to maintain healthy cholesterol levels, Helps in managing weight gain related to fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

Black Grapes Condoms
Black Grapes Condoms
condom 1mg

Manforce Black Grapes Extra Dotted Kondomer tillader din fantasi at gå vilde. Extra Dotted gør hende at anmode for mere. Druerne bør endelig ikke at være sur altid! Få en helt ny dimension i din elskov session med disse Wild Black Grapes Flavour Kondomer af Manforce. Det fremstilles af premium kvalitet materiale, det yder allerstørst komfort og det er sikkert for din bløde hud. Kondomernes glimrende fremstilling garanterer sikkerhed i løbet af en samleje. Den vilde druer smag skal gøre din og din partners elskov session fyldt op med stimulering.

Bleminor Anti Blemish Cream
Bleminor Anti Blemish® Cream
blenimor 30g

Bleminor is a anti-blemish cream indicated for hyperpigmentation due to varied etiologies like exposure to UV rays and aging, melasma, post-injury and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

ibandronate sodium 50mg

Generic Boniva is used for preventing and treating osteoporosis (weak bones) in women who are past menopause.

amalaki, guduchi, shatapushpa 100ml

Bonnisan® - herbal ayurvedic carminative and digestive, which relieve symptoms of colic in gastrointestinal disorders in infants and children. As a daily health supplement, it prevents digestive complaints.

bishop’s weed, caraway, ginger 15ml

Bonnispaz® - an unique herbal medicine recommended for spasms and colic in infants. Safe, herbal and doctor-recommended phytopharmaceutical.

vitamins, agrinine, leucine, lysine, histidine, isoleucine 200ml

Boostwin Drops are suitable for dogs, cats, birds, and turtles. It contains vitamins, DHA, and essential amino acids. Boostwin corrects any nutritional deficiency, optimizing growth and weight gain.

Boswellia Vegie
Boswellia Vegie®
boswellia 1mg

Boswahills Vegie Capsules help in reducing symptoms associated with joint pain, help in lubricating the joints thus improving joint mobility, has anti inflammatory properties, supports healthy joints & muscular functions,has analgesic properties.

bowelcare 1mg

Bowelcare® facilitates satisfying elimination by cleansing the intestinal walls, helping to remove toxins and waste and improving peristalsis. Excellent for rejuvenating the gastrointestinal tract, Bowelcare® is a warming nurturing demulcent, providing soothing support for the colon.

brahmi 60pills

Used in Ayurveda for centuries, BRAHMI (Bacopa/Bacopa monnieri) supports normal mental function, intellect, consciousness and spirit. According to the Alternative Medicine Review (March 2004), ‘Recent research has focused primarily on Bacopa's cognitive effects, specifically memory learning and concentration, and results support the traditional Ayurvedic claims.’ Brahmi is a nervine tonic that enhances learning, academic performance and improves mental ability.

Brahmihills Vegie
Brahmihills Vegie®
brahmi 1mg

Brahmihills 60 Vegie Capsules - a Hair care and Brain Tonic for Memory, Sleep Disorder,stress and Anxiety relief. Acts as a potent nerve tonic. Improves mental functions & longevity. Reduces anxiety & restlessness. Helps in assuring natural sleep. Helps to ease stress.

Bresol Syrup
Bresol Syrup®
holy basil, malabar nut, turmeric 100ml

Bresol Syrup® - a potent herbal combination of Tulasi, Vasaka and Haridra. Bresol is an Ayurvedic medicine for chronic respiratory disorders, allergies.

ticagrelor 90mg

Ticagrelor helps to prevent platelets in your blood from sticking together and forming a blood clot. An unwanted blood clot can occur with certain heart or blood vessel conditions. It makes risk of stroke repeating lower.

Brand Brilinta
ticagrelor 90mg

Brilinta® bruges til at hæmme risikoen for slagtilfælde eller alvorlige hjerteproblemer som følge af et hjerteanfald eller alvorlige brystsmerter (angina) ved at forhindre nye blodpropper.

Bro-zedex Syrup
Bro-Zedex® syrup
bromhexine/guaifenesin/menthol/terbutaline 100ml

Bro Zedex® Sirup tilhører en klasse af ​​lægemidler, kaldet Mucolytics. Dette lægemiddel bruges til at fjerne slim fra luftveje. Det bruges også til at kurere hoste, slimudskillelse og lungebetændelse. Det hjælper også med at kurere overbelastning i brystet. Bro Zedex® anvendes i det meste til behandling af hoste med slim, men det kan også bruges til at behandle andre tilstande som følger: astma, lungetuberkulose, en kronisk obstruktiv lungesygdom, ondt i halsen, akut såvel som kroniske bronkopulmonale sygdomme forbundet med slimudskillelse og lungeemfysem.

bromhexine 8mg

Bromhexine Hydrochloride tablet er et slimløsnende lægemiddel. Det hjælper med at fjerne slim fra næsen, luftrør og lunger, hvilket gør det lettere at hoste ud.

budesonide 100mcg /200mcg

Budecort er kortikosteroid med en aktiv ingrediens budesonid, der forhindrer frigivelse af stoffer i kroppen, der forårsager betændelse. Budesonid-inhalationer bruges til at forhindre astmaanfald hos voksne og børn, der er mindst 6 år gamle.

butylscopolamine 10mg

BUTYLSCOLOPAMINE(other names of active ingridient - scopolamine butylbromide, butylhyoscine and hyoscine butylbromide) is an anticholinergic medicine. Butylscopolamine has many effects in the body including decreasing the secretion of fluids, slowing the stomach and intestines, and dilation of the pupils. Butylscopolamine is used to relieve nausea, vomiting, and dizziness associated with motion sickness and recovery from anesthesia and surgery. Butylscopolamine may also be used in the treatment of parkinsonism, spastic muscle states, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis, and other conditions.

buspirone 5mg /10mg

Generic BuSpar is used for the short-term relief of anxiety symptoms.

Butterscotch Condoms
Butterscotch Condoms
condom 1mg

Butterscotch Kondomer har en smag der skal gøre hende flødeagtig. Det er Extra Dotted kondomer med 576 dupper, hver for mere fornøjelse. Endvidere, kondomerne er allerede smurte, altså man får glat indtrængning. Butterscotch smag gør en oplevelse mere lidenskabelig, og ophidser din partner endnu mere. Det anvendes i løbet af en samleje med en partner. Der findes strategiske placeret over hele overfladen specielle 3 i 1 støbte ribber, dupper og en kontur, der skal transportere du og din partner i en henrykt og smuk verden. Nu gør du morskab og ophidelse i seng at blive længere med Manforce Butterscotch Kondomer. Disse kondomer er smurt med en lækker smag og er sukkerfri. Kondomernes farve passer sammen med dufte, og smage skal yde en spændende oplevelse. Det skal også formindske chancer for at blive gravid og beskytte mod sygdomme.

nebivolol 2.5mg /5mg /10mg

Generic Bystolic is used in treatment of hypertension and for left ventricular failure.

Brand Cialis
tadalafil 20mg

Cialis® anvendes til behandling rejsningproblemer i mænd. Det er det eneste stof, som ikke kun er hurtigt virkende (virker i 30 minutter), men er også kendt for at være effektivså længe som 36 timer, således at du kan vælge det øjeblik, der er helt rigtige til dig såvel som din partner. Millioner af mennesker har nydt godt af Cialis®, som det fungerer effektivt i mild, moderat eller svær erektil dysfunktion.

Brand Contractubex
heparin sodium + allantoin + onion extract 20g

Contractubex® er et meget effektivt behandlingsmiddel for alle typer sår. Det medvirker aktivt til helingsprocessen i huden og reducerer ar indefra. Forebygger mod dannelse af kraftig sårvæv, reducerer rødme, kløe og følelse af strækning, gør sår mere jævn og forbedrer elasticiteten.

Brand Farxiga
dapagliflozin 5mg /10mg

Farxiga® (Dapagliflozin) er en oral medicin mod diabetes, som hjælper med at kontrollere blodsukker. Dapagliflozin virker ved at hjælpe nyrerne med at fjerne glukose fra blodbanen. Dapagliflozin bruges sammen med kost og motion for at forbedre kontrol af blodsukker hos voksne med type 2-diabetes mellitus. Dapagliflozin er ikke egnet til behandling af type 1-diabetes.

Brand Kombiglyze Xr
Kombiglyze® XR
metformin + saxagliptin 500mg + 5mg /1000mg + 5mg

Kombiglyze XR® indeholder kombination af metformin og saxagliptin. Metformin og saxagliptin er orale lægemidler mod diabetes, der hjælper med at kontrollere blodsukker. Metformin virker ved at hæmme produktion af glucose i leveren og absorption af glucose fra tarmen. Saxagliptin virker ved at regulere insulin, som din krop producerer efter at have spist. Kombiglyze XR bruges sammen med kost og motion for at forbedre kontrol af blodsukker hos voksne med type 2-diabetes mellitus.

Brand Levitra
vardenafil 20mg

Levitra® anvendes til behandling af seksuel funktion problemer såsom impotens eller erektil dysfunktion.

Brand Restasis
cyclosporine 0.05% 0.4ml

Restasis® - ophthalmic emulsion containing 0.05% of cyclosporine, made by Allergan, which is indicated to increase tear production in patients whose tear production is presumed to be suppressed due to ocular inflammation associated with keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Increased tear production was not seen in patients currently taking topical anti-inflammatory drugs or using punctal plugs.

Brand Viagra
sildenafil citrate 100mg

Viagra® anvendes til behandling af mandlig impotens også kendt som erektil dysfunktion. Desuden er det blevet godkendt af FDA til behandling af pulmonal hypertension.

Brand Xalacom
latanoprost + timolol 2.5ml

Xalacom® - anti-glaucoma combined drug with miotic effect. Each ml of Xalacom® contains Latanoprost 50mcg and Timolol Maleate LP equivalent to timolol 5mg. These substances contribute to the effective reduction of increased intra-ocular pressure, due to two different mechanisms of action, which contributes to a better clinical effect in comparison with monotherapy.

Jeg modtog min pakke denne uge. Mange tak. Og jeg vil helt sikkert bestille igen!!!!! Min kone var mere end overrasket over forskellen hos mig.... Jeg følte jeg var 18 år igen. Tusind tak. I vil høre fra mig igen :) -
