
Ketoconazole, Chlorohexidine Gluconate

Ketochlor é um champô anti-fungos, antibacteriano, antisséptico medicado de Virbac que contém cetoconazol e clorexidina como ingredientes primários. É usado em casos de erupções cutâneas, infeção cutânea, comichão, etc em cães, gatos e cavalos. Restaura o equilíbrio microbiano da pele. Deixe o champô ficar no casaco durante 5-10 minutos antes de enxaguar para obter os melhores efeitos.


Package Size




  • Virbac Animal Health


Ketochlor Shampoo

Ketochlor is a medicated shampoo for the treatment of bacterial and fungal-associated dermatitis.
Recommended topical management of complications related to bacterial and fungal dermatitis in dogs, cats, and horses.


  • Chlorhexidine Gluconate IP (2%),
  • Ketoconazole IP (1%),
  • Glycotechnology,
  • Chitosanide.

Directions for use

Shake well before using the shampoo. Wet the coat with warm water and apply a sufficient amount of shampoo to create a rich lather, and massage into the wet coat. Allow the lather to remain on the coat for at least 5 to 10 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with clean water. May be used initially 2 to 3 times a week for four weeks, then reduced to once a week, or as directed by your veterinarian.