Jesibi Cream


esibi Cream er en salve med urter, der er smertestillende. Den anvendes til at lindre diverse typer smerter (knæ-, ryg-,ledsmerter,smerter i et brækket ben, etc.), der er forårsaget af gigt, kramper, fibrose, strækninger, forstuvning, betændelse, ischias.


Package Size

Jesibi Cream



  • Sunrise Remedies Pvt. Ltd.


Jesibi Cream

Jesibi cream is made up of rare ingredients based on Ayurvedic principles. Jesibi promises great relief from different painful conditions like joint pains of hands & legs, backache, blunt injury, muscle stretch, spondylitis, fractures etc.

How to use Jesibi Cream

Gently massage Jesibi cream on all above conditions at pain sites to get quick and long lasting pain relief. Jesibi cream is also very effective on chronic painful conditions of joints like in Arthritis and back pain.


  • Joint pain,
  • Inflammation,
  • Backache,
  • Fractured bone pain,
  • Frozen shoulder,
  • Sprain,
  • Strains,
  • Sciatica,
  • Fibrosis’s,
  • Leg cramps,
  • Arthritis,
  • Rheumatoid arthritis,
  • Muscular pain.


  • Asthisahari 20% (Vitis quandranfularis nyctanthes)
  • Nirgundi 20% (vitex negundo leaves)
  • Menthol 3%
  • Wintergreen oil 5%
  • Camphor 6%
  • Ashwagandha 10%
  • (withania Somnifera)Cream base

Side Effects

Being an Ayurvedic formulation Jesibi cream is free from side-effects.