Furglow Oral Coat Conditioner®

Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Selenium, Zinc

Furglow® Oral Coat Conditioner contient des acides gras oméga 6 et 3 qui favorisent une bonne santé de la peau. Le zinc aide à prévenir la chute des cheveux et la dermatite squameuse. Ce conditionneur oral aide à donner à votre animal un pelage brillant, à prévenir la peau squameuse et les pellicules. Il aide également à combattre les infections cutanées amusantes et la pyodermite.


Package Size

Furglow Oral Coat Conditioner


  • Himalaya


Furglow oral coat conditioner

What is this product

Furglow contains plant derived oils that are rich in Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids.
Furglow contains plant derived oils that are rich in Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids. Furglow contains Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids in the ratio of 10:1 (AAFCO recommended). Furlgow also provides Zinc and Selenium, essential minerals for healthy skin in pets. Vitamin A and Vitamin E have been added to support overall hair growth. Furglow, is fortified with Vitamin B6, Biotin and Vitamin D.

  • Shiny and glossy coat
  • Hair shedding, flaky skin and dandruff
  • Allergic skin conditions like flea bite, atopy
  • Fungal skin infection and pyoderma

Directions for Use

  • Pups Small Breeds:- 1.5-2.5 ml twice daily.
  • Pups Large breeds:- 3- 5 ml twice daily.
  • Adults Small breeds:- 5-10 ml twice daily.
  • Adults Large breeds:- 10-15 ml twice daily.
  • Cats:- 2.5 -5 ml twice daily